Hansen Jonatan

Hello , I am

Hansen Jonatan

I am a student at Batam International University , i am a Content Creator also Freelance Developer

Hansen Jonatan

About me

Hello, my name is Hansen Jonatan, I come from Palembang and currently live in Batam, I have been interested in technology since I was in 1st grade of elementary school, and at that time every time there was an extracurricular activity at school I always took extracurricular activities related to computers. My educational journey can be seen in the education section, and I have some statistics that you can see. I also have some projects that I have worked on that you can see in the Portfolio section. I also have some certificates that I got during my journey learning about programming that can be seen in the Certificate section.

My journey began when I graduated from vocational high school, and I had plans to continue my education at one of the universities in Batam city. Before I entered college, I studied basic programming autodidactically, and while autodidact, I also often tried to learn from several sites. When I first learned basic programming, I still had difficulty understanding what the content creator was talking about, and over time, I began to explore and become interested in programming, from the understanding I got I built a startup that I developed myself called HJ Codin which I announced in 2022, and I changed the name to HJ Codin Tech in 2024. You can see the history of HJ Codin Tech on the website HJ Codin Tech. Until now I have always improved my programming skills


Below are some of the skills I have





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